Welcome to Assets & Aging


Welcome to
Assets & Aging

for over 35 Years

Helping California Seniors and Families
Find, Afford and Secure Long-Term Care

In a state where facility-based care costs thousands of dollars per month, and where tens of thousands of Baby Boomers are regularly outliving their ability to care for themselves, families are increasingly confronted with two important, often urgent, questions:

  1. Who is going to provide ongoing care to our aging loved one?
  2. How is that care going to be paid for?

Every year, hundreds of California families are impoverished by the costs of trying to care for an elderly loved one. Full-time wage earners become full-time unpaid caregivers in an effort to avoid facilities. Life savings are drained to exhaustion in an effort to pay facilities. Loving families are turned upside down by the logistical and emotional turmoil of either caring for a senior in need themselves or paying impossible rates for professional care.

When it comes to the many challenges of aging and elder care in California, few have more knowledge and experience than Assets & Aging founder Bob Scrivano. If you are concerned about the costs of needed care for your aging loved one (or yourself), whether those costs are impending or already at hand, you have come to the right place. Explore this website to access more information or give me a call so that we can discuss your family’s unique situation, get your questions answered and discuss any solutions that may apply.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bob Scrivano
for over 35 Years

Helping California Seniors and Families Find, Afford and Secure Long-Term Care

In a state where facility-based care costs thousands of dollars per month, and where tens of thousands of Baby Boomers are regularly outliving their ability to care for themselves, families are increasingly confronted with two important, often urgent, questions:

  1. Who is going to provide ongoing care to our aging loved one?
  2. How is that care going to be paid for?

Every year, hundreds of California families are impoverished by the costs of trying to care for an elderly loved one. Full-time wage earners become full-time unpaid caregivers in an effort to avoid facilities. Life savings are drained to exhaustion in an effort to pay facilities. Loving families are turned upside down by the logistical and emotional turmoil of either caring for a senior in need themselves or paying impossible rates for professional care.

When it comes to the many challenges of aging and elder care in California, few have more knowledge and experience than Assets & Aging founder Bob Scrivano. If you are concerned about the costs of needed care for your aging loved one (or yourself), whether those costs are impending or already at hand, you have come to the right place. Explore this website to access more information or give me a call so that we can discuss your family’s unique situation, get your questions answered and discuss any solutions that may apply.

Bob Scrivano

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sign Up for a Free
Upcoming Workshop

If you aren’t sure whether our services are for you, this is the place to start.

Assets & Aging regularly hosts participatory workshops on issues of senior care planning, long-term care Medi-Cal, estate management and more. Seminars are hosted in-person in Sacramento; Webinars are hosted online. Each involves both a presentation by Bob and a Q&A session. There is no fee or obligation for attending, but advance sign-up is required. Family members are welcome and encouraged to join. Feel free to call with questions.

Please sign up today for your preference of meeting:

(hosted at our Watt Ave. office building)

(hosted on the Zoom application)

Sign Up for a Free
Upcoming Workshop

If you aren’t sure whether our services are for you, this is the place to start.

Assets & Aging regularly hosts participatory workshops on issues of senior care planning, long-term care Medi-Cal, estate management and more. Seminars are hosted in-person in Sacramento; Webinars are hosted online. Each involves both a presentation by Bob and a Q&A session. There is no fee or obligation for attending, but advance sign-up is required. Family members are welcome and encouraged to join. Feel free to call with questions.

Please sign up today for your preference of meeting:

(hosted at our Watt Ave. office building)

(hosted on the Zoom application)

Our Three Latest Radio Broadcasts

‘Assets & Aging: Affording the Future’

Saturday Mornings at 9:30
only on

Our Three Latest Radio Broadcasts

‘Assets & Aging: Affording the Future’

Saturday Mornings at 9:30
only on

California’s most experienced and

Trusted Medi-Cal Specialist

for long-term care needs.

Over more than 35 years of service, Bob has helped hundreds of California families save millions of dollars on nursing home care, collectively, and he can help yours. Does your family have a plan for paying $10,000 per month or more?

Assets & Aging is proud to be the single best resource in California
for guidance navigating the long-term care Medi-Cal process.


California’s most experienced and
Trusted Medi-Cal Specialist
for long-term care needs.

Over more than 35 years of service, Bob has helped hundreds of California families save millions of dollars on nursing home care, collectively, and he can help yours. Does your family have a plan for paying $10,000 per month or more?
Assets & Aging is proud to be the single best resource in California for guidance navigating the long-term care Medi-Cal process.

A Longtime Leading Voice
on the Issues of Aging

The senior care industrial complex in California is vast, complex, and constantly evolving. Families in need
are flooded with misinformation from all corners – providers, insurers, bureaucrats, politicians, the media, etc.
It has never been more important for seniors and their families to stay up-to-date and well-informed.

Assets & Aging strives to provide information that is truthful and timely.

We proudly offer the following content streams on an ongoing basis:


Listen to Navigating Frailty: A Roadmap for California Families on your preferred podcast platform.


Check out the sparkly new “Navigating Frailty” YouTube channel, proudly brought to you by Assets & Aging.


Read Bob’s weekly write-up on current events and legislation affecting California seniors and California care facilities.


Don’t miss our long-running feed of news stories, op-eds, videos, etc. – all about aging & care-related issues.

A Longtime Leading Voice
on the Issues of Aging

The senior care industrial complex in California is vast, complex, and constantly evolving. Families in need
are flooded with misinformation from all corners – providers, insurers, bureaucrats, politicians, the media, etc.
It has never been more important for seniors and their families to stay up-to-date and well-informed.

Assets & Aging strives to provide information that is truthful and timely.

We proudly offer the following content streams on an ongoing basis:


Listen to Navigating Frailty: A Roadmap for California Families on your preferred podcast platform.


Check out the sparkly new “Navigating Frailty” YouTube channel, proudly brought to you by Assets & Aging.


Read Bob’s weekly write-up on current events and legislation affecting California seniors and California care facilities.


Don’t miss our long-running feed of news stories, op-eds, videos, etc. – all about aging & care-related issues.

What level of care is appropriate?

Personalized Care Planning

for your family’s unique situation.

What if an aging spouse or parent doesn’t yet need a nursing home? What if an assisted living, board and care, or memory care facility would make more sense? What about in-home care? Since Medi-Cal only helps with skilled nursing, how to afford these other options? Should I just quit my job and provide the care myself?

Assets & Aging is extraordinarily experienced with helping families answer these questions and to finding sustainable solutions that maximize the quality of life for their senior loved one while minimizing financial burden on everyone involved.

In-Home Care
Assisted Living
Memory Care
Board and Care

What level of care is appropriate?
Personalized Care Planning
for your family’s unique situation.

What if an aging spouse or parent doesn’t yet need a nursing home? What if an assisted living, board and care, or memory care facility would make more sense? What about in-home care? Since Medi-Cal only helps with skilled nursing, how to afford these other options? Should I just quit my job and provide the care myself?
Assets & Aging is extraordinarily experienced with helping families answer these questions and to finding sustainable solutions that maximize the quality of life for their senior loved one while minimizing financial burden on everyone involved.
In-Home Care
Assisted Living
Memory Care
Board and Care


Tune in to Affording the Future, now in its 25th year, every Sunday morning at 9:30 on KFBK 1530 FM.


Subscribe to our free occasional e-mail newsletter for updates on all Assets & Aging has going on.


Check out our Senior Advocacy page for ways you can get involved in fighting for California’s elderly.


Browse some reviews and notes that we have received over more than 3 decades of serving Californians.


Tune in to Affording the Future, now in its 25th year, every Sunday morning at 9:30 on KFBK 1530 FM.


Subscribe to our free occasional e-mail newsletter for updates on all Assets & Aging has going on.


Check out our Senior Advocacy page for ways you can get involved in fighting for California’s elderly.


Browse some reviews and notes that we have received over more than 3 decades of serving Californians.

When the need for senior care arises,

Sensible Estate Management

can preserve assets and income.

If you are considering creating an estate plan to make sure assets are maximally protected, in the event of death or incapacity, from both estate recovery and probate, we encourage you to consider hiring a licensed attorney. If you already know what you want your estate plan to accomplish, or if wish to amend an existing estate plan, you may instead consider hiring a California registered Legal Document Assistant (LDA) to assist with preparation of its component documents.

For nearly 20 years, Assets & Aging has been authorized by the state to prepare legal documents at the direction and request of our customers. We are experienced with wills, trusts, deeds, powers of attorney, advance healthcare directives, and more. You can view Bob’s registration information in our LDA dislaimer.

Revocable Living Trusts
Healthcare Directives
Powers of Attorney
Testamentary Documents

When the need for senior care arises,
Sensible Estate Management
can preserve assets and income.

If you are considering creating an estate plan to make sure assets are maximally protected, in the event of death or incapacity, from both estate recovery and probate, we encourage you to consider hiring a licensed attorney. If you already know what you want your estate plan to accomplish, or if wish to amend an existing estate plan, you may instead consider hiring a California registered Legal Document Assistant (LDA) to assist with preparation of its component documents.
For nearly 20 years, Assets & Aging has been authorized by the state to prepare legal documents at the direction and request of our customers. We are experienced with wills, trusts, deeds, powers of attorney, advance healthcare directives, and more. You can view Bob’s registration information in our LDA dislaimer.
Revocable Living Trusts
Healthcare Directives
Powers of Attorney
Testamentary Documents

Our Three Latest Blog Posts

‘Navigating Frailty: A Roadmap for California Families’

The other day I was cleaning out my office. (My wife was astounded). I have articles and clippings going back 15 years or more. In doing so, I ran across an article from the Sacramento Bee dated 3/8/2002.  I told you I have old stuff. It is an article entitled “Farm saved by strangers and a lawyer” and you can still find it on the internet.

In brief, here is the story. Mom and Dad met in a detention camp during WWII.  After the war they were able to buy a little 20-acre farm and raise a family. Mom died and the daughter moved onto the land to help Dad. In 1995, Dad moved to a nursing home and Medi-Cal helped pay the bill, a very common event. Dad remained in the nursing home on Medi-Cal until 1997 when he died. His family inherited the farm (or so they thought). They settled in and made a living farming the land. Then the State sent them a letter. It was a bill for $120,000 plus interest. The daughter, who had worked so hard to take care of her parents, was stunned. Now remember, this is over 15 years ago. The family now owed the State $120,000 as a result of Dad receiving health care. 

Now any of you who have been around farmers know that most are land rich and cash poor. This family was the same. They did not have the money. They were in danger of losing the family farm. Long story short, it was only because of a caring stranger who leant the family the money to pay off the State that the farm was saved.

Now, you are asking yourselves, why are you telling us a story from so long ago? It is painfully simple: THE SAME THING CAN HAPPEN NOW IN CALIFORNIA. Every year, families get the same letter demanding money from the probate estates of their deceased parents.

I have now been on the air for over 21 years and every week I have been trying to warn people about this reality. Many will lose their money in the same way. Your family will not get what you worked a lifetime for; the State will. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION NOW. None of this has to happen. You can take steps today to make sure your home and estate are protected. You can today make sure that your family receives your legacy, not the politicians in Sacramento. But there is a catch; you actually have to do something. Every single person who has lost money to the State had a chance to stop it. They did nothing and lost.

It is your choice. It is simple – leave it to the State or leave it to your family. If you choose the former, I cannot help. If you choose the latter, then call me today. Take the steps necessary leave a legacy to those you love.

Many of you have spent time in an emergency room. Some as the patient and some as the spouse, child or friend. It is a difficult time for everyone. In addition to the medical issues of life and death there are lesser issues of care, rehabilitation, and most of all, sometimes, money. Hospitals are expensive. Who will pay?  Sometimes the answer is not who you think it will be. Perhaps you have insurance or Medicare or a Medicare supplement. They will surely pay, right? Not always.

It is possible to be in the hospital without being coded as being in the hospital. You can be “in” the hospital but treated and billed as an outpatient. You can even go up to one of the floors for a day or two, eat the food, take some meds, have some lab work done, yet you are nonetheless considered an “outpatient.” 

How is this possible? Two words that have a massive impact not only for who will pay the hospital bill, but who will pay for skilled rehab. Those two words are “admission” and “observation”. Do you know the difference? You better.

It is now more important than ever that you understand these two words. Make sure that one of your first calls when someone goes to the hospital is to me. Together we can discuss the strategies that could save your family thousands.

The above is a famous court case in California. It is important to every person who is now or may be receiving Medi-Cal (MC) to pay for nursing home care. It deals with SOC which stands for “share of cost”. Let me give you an example.

Fred is in a nursing home. He is married to Wilma. He receives Medi-Cal to help pay for his nursing home (SNF) stay. In many cases Medi-Cal does not pay for the entire cost of the SNF. In my example, Fred has a $2,000 SOC. Every month, Wilma writes a check to the SNF for that amount. She does that needlessly.

Because of this court case, Wilma could use her SOC to pay for other needed medical care that would make Fred’s life better. She could use the money for prescriptions, physical therapy, medical equipment, incontinence supplies, specialized medical equipment and much more. The only requirement is that it has to be part of Fred’s care plan and prescribed by Fred’s doctor.

In other words, it does not have to go to the SNF. It can in fact be used to improve his life. Most people simply do not know this can be done, and, in my experience, the SNF never makes this known to the family.

This is why you should ALWAYS use someone who specializes in applying for Medi-Cal and maintaining eligibility. Don’t take no for an answer. For more information contact me for help.

Our Three Latest Blog Posts

‘Navigating Frailty: A Roadmap for California Families’

The other day I was cleaning out my office. (My wife was astounded). I have articles and clippings going back 15 years or more. In doing so, I ran across an article from the Sacramento Bee dated 3/8/2002.  I told you I have old stuff. It is an article entitled “Farm saved by strangers and a lawyer” and you can still find it on the internet.

In brief, here is the story. Mom and Dad met in a detention camp during WWII.  After the war they were able to buy a little 20-acre farm and raise a family. Mom died and the daughter moved onto the land to help Dad. In 1995, Dad moved to a nursing home and Medi-Cal helped pay the bill, a very common event. Dad remained in the nursing home on Medi-Cal until 1997 when he died. His family inherited the farm (or so they thought). They settled in and made a living farming the land. Then the State sent them a letter. It was a bill for $120,000 plus interest. The daughter, who had worked so hard to take care of her parents, was stunned. Now remember, this is over 15 years ago. The family now owed the State $120,000 as a result of Dad receiving health care. 

Now any of you who have been around farmers know that most are land rich and cash poor. This family was the same. They did not have the money. They were in danger of losing the family farm. Long story short, it was only because of a caring stranger who leant the family the money to pay off the State that the farm was saved.

Now, you are asking yourselves, why are you telling us a story from so long ago? It is painfully simple: THE SAME THING CAN HAPPEN NOW IN CALIFORNIA. Every year, families get the same letter demanding money from the probate estates of their deceased parents.

I have now been on the air for over 21 years and every week I have been trying to warn people about this reality. Many will lose their money in the same way. Your family will not get what you worked a lifetime for; the State will. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION NOW. None of this has to happen. You can take steps today to make sure your home and estate are protected. You can today make sure that your family receives your legacy, not the politicians in Sacramento. But there is a catch; you actually have to do something. Every single person who has lost money to the State had a chance to stop it. They did nothing and lost.

It is your choice. It is simple – leave it to the State or leave it to your family. If you choose the former, I cannot help. If you choose the latter, then call me today. Take the steps necessary leave a legacy to those you love.

Many of you have spent time in an emergency room. Some as the patient and some as the spouse, child or friend. It is a difficult time for everyone. In addition to the medical issues of life and death there are lesser issues of care, rehabilitation, and most of all, sometimes, money. Hospitals are expensive. Who will pay?  Sometimes the answer is not who you think it will be. Perhaps you have insurance or Medicare or a Medicare supplement. They will surely pay, right? Not always.

It is possible to be in the hospital without being coded as being in the hospital. You can be “in” the hospital but treated and billed as an outpatient. You can even go up to one of the floors for a day or two, eat the food, take some meds, have some lab work done, yet you are nonetheless considered an “outpatient.” 

How is this possible? Two words that have a massive impact not only for who will pay the hospital bill, but who will pay for skilled rehab. Those two words are “admission” and “observation”. Do you know the difference? You better.

It is now more important than ever that you understand these two words. Make sure that one of your first calls when someone goes to the hospital is to me. Together we can discuss the strategies that could save your family thousands.

The above is a famous court case in California. It is important to every person who is now or may be receiving Medi-Cal (MC) to pay for nursing home care. It deals with SOC which stands for “share of cost”. Let me give you an example.

Fred is in a nursing home. He is married to Wilma. He receives Medi-Cal to help pay for his nursing home (SNF) stay. In many cases Medi-Cal does not pay for the entire cost of the SNF. In my example, Fred has a $2,000 SOC. Every month, Wilma writes a check to the SNF for that amount. She does that needlessly.

Because of this court case, Wilma could use her SOC to pay for other needed medical care that would make Fred’s life better. She could use the money for prescriptions, physical therapy, medical equipment, incontinence supplies, specialized medical equipment and much more. The only requirement is that it has to be part of Fred’s care plan and prescribed by Fred’s doctor.

In other words, it does not have to go to the SNF. It can in fact be used to improve his life. Most people simply do not know this can be done, and, in my experience, the SNF never makes this known to the family.

This is why you should ALWAYS use someone who specializes in applying for Medi-Cal and maintaining eligibility. Don’t take no for an answer. For more information contact me for help.

Still considering? Have questions? Call anytime.

(800) 999-8007

All voicemails returned promptly.

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