
In life, we do not always have a choice. Who your parents are, boy or girl, nationality and so much more. So many things are not optional but inherent, predetermined.

We CAN, however, control many of our choices. What’s for dinner, where do we live, what kind of car we drive and so on.

Whether we know it or not, we also have a choice when it comes to who will care for us as we age and where will that take place. We will make this choice in one of two ways, at one of two junctures: pre-crisis mode or crisis mode.


There are no shortage of differences:

Pre-Crisis Planning Crisis Planning
Abundant care options Limited care options
Choice of Best Care Take what care you can get
Doctor Chosen By YOU Doctor chosen by circumstance
Unlimited Family Access Limited family access
Stay Close to Home Possible Relocation
Access to Government Benefits NO Access to Government Benefits
Family Informed and In Charge System in Charge
Protection of Home and Assets Maybe?
Your Wishes and Desires Followed Your Wishes and Desires Potentially Irrelevant


Every day I see or hear from people in Crisis Mode. They don’t know where to go, who is in charge, where is the money, how do we pay, and on and on.  Little to no choice. Those folks who have planned for this have an enormous advantage in two areas. First, they have choices. Where to go, what money to use, their level of care, etc. Their other area of great advantage is time. These people have the ability to act  deliberately and soberly, rather than in a panic. Good, well thought out decisions are made. Time avoids panic and disarray.